(Hat-tip to Nicolas Chinardet and rjakesuk)
Blogging about bad journalism
The attacks on British Jews, which mean that every single Jewish communal event has to be guarded and Jewish schools now shelter behind razor wire, are coming from both white racists and Muslims.
But there’s no mention of that in this study.
This study claims effectively that such commentary incites violence against British Muslims. There is not one shred of evidence for this.
Conversely, the authors make no acknowledgement of where 'truly' false and irresponsible reporting has indeed inflamed violence against a vulnerable British minority.
The way the British media reports the Middle East incites irrational hatred not just of Israel but also Jews in general.
There is a significant terrorism problem among British Muslims.
A profanity-laced hand written note was also left behind that disparaged the prophet Mohammed and even advocated the eradication of Muslims.
a new low in broadcast journalism in this city...
We hope Channel 5 managed to goose its ratings a little bit with this garbage. Otherwise, Beres succeeded only in inflaming anti-Muslim sentiments.
'It’s unexpected...The only thing I can think of is the sensationalized reporting [by Channel 5] over Sunday and Monday. That’s the only thing I can think of. Even after 9/11 we have never had any vandalism.'
Islamophobia does not appear to be being taken seriously by the Government, the media or the general public and the situation is becoming increasingly dire - why this is remains unclear.
It could be because of a lack of understanding and recognition of the seriousness of Islamophobia; it could be because little ‘hard evidence’ exists; it could also be that anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic attitudes are becoming more socially acceptable.
Whatever the reason though, it is clear that neither Islamophobia – nor indeed anti-Semitism – are going to quickly or easily disappear.
Muslims had very positive views about the level of cohesion in their local areas; the vast majority felt that people from different backgrounds got on well together in their local area and that their local area was a place where residents respected ethnic differences between people.
Muslims also expressed strong feelings of belonging, both to their neighbourhoods and to Britain as a whole, and more than nine in ten Muslims agreed that they personally felt a part of British society.
In 2007-08 Muslims also expressed high levels of trust in institutions. They were more likely than the general population to say that they trusted Parliament and their local council and, similarly to the general population, around eight in ten Muslims trusted the police.
'And the engine turned over when we tried it with the starter handle, but I didn't try to start her up in case I did any damage but I'm sure it would go'.
The result is that highly impressionable children are becoming hooked on TV programmes which have unsuitable images and dialogue, leading to long-term concerns for their mental health.
The Sunday Express watched an episode of the adult crime drama Wallander on the BBC iPlayer by simply confirming, with one click, that we were over 16...
From the ITVplayer, the Sunday Express downloaded an episode of Secret Diary Of A Call Girl, featuring adult sexual content. Again it took one click.
I never imagined the town hall Nazis would go quite so mad
Here, he explains how the diversity Nazis have ruined our town halls ...
In Britain, the elf 'n' safety nazis are banning dancing because it's dangerous.
I thought ministers had repented when it was announced that councils were being encouraged to hire 'street football coordinators' but I was wrong.
Turns out the real purpose of these new jobsworths was not to encourage kids to play football, but to ban it.
The Communities Department sent out a 53-page memo, which included a warning that 'if not planned properly, football can be divisive and trigger conflict. Passions can get high and physical contact can easily lead to confrontations'.
An advert for a 'Street Football Coordinator' at Moray Council in Scotland calls for someone to 'assist in the planning, planning promotion and delivery of the street football project'.
Moray’s Street Football project has proved to be a tremendous success since its launch in September 2006. The project aims to provide young people with the opportunity to participate in sporting activities inside a portable pitch that is quick and easy to assemble.
Traditional coaching methods are removed to provide players freedom of expression, try new skills and ultimately become better players and people.
Street Sports is fast-paced, energetic and a lot of fun.
an attempt to set out what we know about meaningful interaction, based on research findings and the views of expert practitioners. It is aimed at local cohesion practitioners and policy planners and includes some good practice.
'[Football can bring people together, but if not planned/organised properly can also be very divisive and trigger conflict; ie passions can get high during [the] game and physical contact/altercations during [the] game can easily lead to confrontations and fists [which] could increase the ‘them and us’ divide. Done properly, [this needs: an] assessment whether the two groups are ready to compete, ie no recent scores to settle; preparation work with both groups; [seeing] football [as] part of a wider intervention; staff/volunteers/spectators who support teams [and] encourage positive attitudes, not just about thrashing your opponent on the pitch.' (Youth Worker, written comment)
Already some seaside councils have scrapped donkey rides on the grounds of animal cruelty and Punch and Judy because it glorifies domestic violence.
Arts & Leisure Committee voted on the motion to put Mr. Punch on the banned list the Chair of the committee drew one supporting vote, the oppostion parties united to oppose it and - most tellingly - Councillor Jenny Stevens own political colleagues abstained leaving her embarrassingly exposed.
Nevertheless the myth that Mr. Punch had been 'banned' by the authorities for not being politically correct duly entered contemporary folklore.
British students are being squeezed out of places at university by Europeans, it emerged yesterday.
Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency show that the number of students from the European Union increased by almost five per cent last year to 118,000...
Altogether, 588,689 people applied for undergraduate courses, but more than 100,000 failed to get in.
Former telly queen Judy Finnigan looks like she could do with a couple of hours rest on her old couch after a boozy lunch yesterday.
She was joined by hubby Richard and daughter Chloe for the meal at a cafe-bar in Hampstead, north London - washed down by a few glasses of wine.
She has been subjected to allegations of alcoholism which she and husband Richard Madeley have always furiously denied.
But these pictures of a tipsy-looking Judy Finnigan are certainly not going to do her any favours or convince anyone that she's not partial to a drink or two.
But as she was photographed emerging, looking bleary-eyed and linking arms with her husband and daughter, everyone assumed the worse.
Until now, Judy's attitude, as it was with her depression, her miscarriage and her hysterectomy, has been to grin and get on with the job.
But this time it is different: the insinuation that she needed help walking because of an ongoing alcohol battle has been too much to bear.
Richard, her loyal husband, is so furious about the false rumours that he decided to speak out to the Mail in a bid to show people just how wrong the stories are.
'Judy has ruptured the anterior cruciate ligaments in both her knees, and, like most people with this condition, appreciates an arm or rail going up or down steps or curbs.
'Crude comments were also written about her eyes. Again, for the record, Judy is recovering from not one, but two, operations in recent weeks on her right eye.
Bitter Peter Andre has been branded a spoilsport after refusing to let Jordan lookalikes into his show.
The star, 37, was forced to act after a radio station handed out free tickets to fans who were the spitting image of his ex-wife Kate Price, 31.
Ten big-busted beauties were handed £28 front row seats at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.
Bosses at the local Radio City station were eager to see the look on Peter’s face when the curtain went up.
But when Peter and his management found out about the stunt they vowed to turn away anyone who looked like Kate at the door.
Oh, and in Peterborough, fishermen have produced evidence that Eastern European immigrants are catching swans and eating them - a story dismissed originally as an 'urban myth'.
You couldn't make it up.
The swans are allegedly captured with bread on barbed snares before they are hauled in from the River Nene in Peterborough, and clubbed to death.
To date the RSPCA has not received sufficient evidence that any particular person or group of people is responsible for the death of swans in this area.
Our inspectors and animal welfare officers have investigated all allegations, but at this time there is nothing to suggest the deaths are connected or deliberate.
the message goes out to the indolent classes across the EU that Britain is the place to be.
The EU rules that Mr Ruas has relied on also benefit the 1.5 million UK workers who live outside the UK and elsewhere in the EU.
The EU rules say that where parents go abroad to work and children stay behind, it should be the country in which the parents are working that should pay child benefit.
However, we are bound by EU reciprocal laws on social security that enable the 1.5 million UK citizens who live and work in the European Union to benefit in turn from local arrangements in the countries in which they work.
If you are in another EEA country and you are employed or self-employed; and you are insured under that country's insurance scheme you can usually get the children's allowance paid by that country. You can get it even if your child stays, or your children stay, in the UK.
this study does not provide any evidence that aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol reduces the risk of hormone-related cancers such as breast or ovarian cancer.
This study did not examine cancer outcomes in these women.
Withstanding the headline, the Daily Express generally gave an accurate representation of this research by discussing how regular use of aspirin was associated with lower oestrogen levels, and this in turn may be related to risk of cancer.
It is not clear where The Sun's claim that aspirin can cut the risk of both breast and ovarian cancer by up to 10% originated. The Sun also did not mention that regular aspirin use is associated with the risk of serious side effects such as internal bleeding.
Neither newspaper mentioned that this was a cross-sectional analysis, and so cannot prove that current painkiller-use is the cause of current hormone levels.
Cases of syphilis have increased four-fold in Britain's Facebook capital as users meet up for unprotected sex, it was revealed yesterday.
Figures released last month showed that people in Sunderland, Durham and Teesside were 25 per cent more likely to log on regularly.
And an NHS trust chief said Facebook and similar sites were to blame for a shocking rise in cases of potentially-lethal syphilis in the region.
Unprotected sex, especially with casual partners, is the biggest risk for syphilis. Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex. It is important that people avoid high risk sexual behaviours and practise safe sex to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections.
Smitten Cheryl Cole has poured out her heart about the new man in her life.
The Girls Aloud beauty stunned millions as she revealed her true feelings for hunky Black Eyed Peas rapper Will.i.am live on air.
She cooed about how the 34-year-old music producer was 'absolutely inspiring, fantastic, futuristic, creative'.
And she raved: 'I would work with Will for the rest of my life if I could. He is everything you would want from a producer, and also from a person. He’s a lovely person'.
David Beckham’s sex texts to Rebecca Loos were as X-rated as the ones Tiger Woods sent his porn star mistress, it was claimed last night.
Katie Price suffered humiliation in the High Court yesterday as she admitted wrongly accusing her ex-manager of bedding Peter Andre.
The glamour girl was ordered to pay celeb agent Claire Powell an undisclosed sum in slander damages, believed to be well into six figures.
the BBC had 'quite sensibly' edited the slanderous claim from the show, but the story still ran in several newspapers.
David Beckham will battle back from his injury hell helped by the baby girl he has always craved.
Crocked football ace David Beckham, ruled out of thus summer’s World Cup with a snapped Achilles tendon, has set a different secret goal.
Andy Jackson, Secretary of Peterborough Angling Association, blamed immigrants who see taking fish from the river as their right.
He said: 'Many of the waters that we control are being systematically raped and pillaged by migrants'.
Head bailiff at the Angling Association Jonathan Means said...'We have found nets and long lines set up but it is hard to find the culprits'.
In actuality, the Daily Mail never spoke to the RSPCA and instead lifted the copy from a regional paper (the Peterborough Evening Telegragh) - which in turn had misquoted the [RSPCA's] Animal Welfare Officer.
To date the RSPCA has not received sufficient evidence that any particular person or group of people is responsible for the death of swans in this area.
Our inspectors and animal welfare officers have investigated all allegations, but at this time there is nothing to suggest the deaths are connected or deliberate.
An overhead power cable, other preditors and abandoned litter can all, sadly, be lethal to swans and other wildlife.
Let's not pretend, please, that the Express would have put this on its front page, had it not involved immigrants.
This week there'll be plenty of times when people who aren't immigrants will be up in the dock for criminal damage - and worse - but will they get reported on the front page of the Express? I really doubt it.
Dr Joseph Levin, microbiologist from the University of Tel Aviv, said: 'The levels of disease-causing bacteria found in the bins are at a level that I would consider to be dangerous, especially to those with a weakened immune system, such as the elderly or young babies'.
life easier for journalists by quickly and efficiently putting you in touch with public relations (PR) people.
The study was carried out by University of Tel Aviv scientists using UK bin swabs on behalf of hygiene company Binifresh.
Binifresh is the leader in automatic hygiene for wheelie bins. After 3 years of research and development Binifresh has released its first product, an automatic hygiene and odor control device that fits easily and securely to your wheelie bin, altogether creating a cleaner, healthier more comfortable environment for all.
In its purest form, a newspaper consists of a collection of facts which, in controlled circumstances, can actively improve knowledge.
Unfortunately, facts are expensive, so to save costs and drive up sales, unscrupulous dealers often "cut" the basic contents with cheaper material, such as wild opinion, bullshit, empty hysteria, reheated press releases, advertorial padding and photographs of Lady Gaga with her bum hanging out.
The hapless user has little or no concept of the toxicity of the end product: they digest the contents in good faith, only to pay the price later when they find themselves raging incoherently in pubs, or – increasingly – on internet messageboards.
An article on 7 October suggested that Nancy Jones, Keith Floyd's eldest daughter, had turned up unannounced at his wake and that there was reason to doubt her paternity. In fact, Ms Jones' existence was well known to Mr Floyd and the family and she was an invited guest. We apologise for any distress caused.
The Government has been ordered to drop two adverts based on nursery rhymes which exaggerated the risks of so-called 'global warming'.
...the Advertising Standards Agency said they amounted to scaremongering and didn't reflect the growing scepticism over claims that the planet is heating up.
Despite the fact that the world has actually got cooler this century, mounting evidence that 'climate change' is a myth, and the revelation that alleged 'experts' in the field have been fiddling the figures to fit their theories, the hysteria goes on.
The ASA understood that, amongst the majority of scientists who worked in the field of climate research globally, there was a consensus that human activity was contributing to upward temperature trends globally and would continue to do so unless steps were taken by the worlds' governments to reduce GHG emissions, including CO2.
We concluded that, at the time the ads were published, there was not a significant division of informed scientific opinion on the issue amongst the world's climate scientists.
It also got me wondering what other nursery rhymes could be updated ...
Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.
Trying escape the lynch mob who think he's a paedophile.
When they catch him they'll string him up, the dirty nonce.
George Porgie, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry,
Now he's on the sexual offenders' register.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
So they took him to an NHS hospital, where he caught MRSA and died.
Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run.
This ward's been crawling with mice since the NHS contracted out the cleaning.
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester,
But when he got there
He found they'd already given the job to a foreign GP who can't speak English.
As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives.
He said he'd come from Somalia,
And was now living on benefits in a £2.5 million townhouse in Kensington.
Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, To get her poor doggie a bone.
When she got there, it was groaning with oven chips, turkey twizzlers, bumper bags of crisps and lashings of fizzy drinks.
But there weren't any bones because elf 'n' safety had threatened to prosecute the butcher if he didn't stop selling them.